Friday, 12 November 2010

I promised earlier in the day to tell you more of other jobs I have applied for.
Well here are some of them.
- Mascot For the Parachute Regiment.
- Harbour Master for Wigan Pier
- The New Hunchback of Notre Dame
- The Man in the Moon
- Old Father Time
- Stable Boy for the Four Horses of the Apocalypse
- Horse for Lady Godiva
- Official Government Scapegoat
- Hairy Human Dulux Dog
- Lightning Conductor
- The Lincolnshire Poacher
- Witchfinder General
- Jack the Giant Killer the Second
- King of the Castle [ various castles ]
and so many more !

There is something fascinating about looking at the world in a different way to the norm.
I generally try to do this through my humorous writing whether it be via spoof letters or surreal poems and short stories.
To my delight, I also discovered a 'solarization' facility on my Nokia phone camera and I can now experiment visually too !
Here is a photo taken whilst hiking The Cumbria Way a couple of weeks ago.
It alters the whole appearance and 'feel' of Great Langdale.
Interesting effect.

Tony Lee or, strictly speaking, my full and pen name, Michael Anthony Lee, here.

I know this sounds most bizarre but, nevertheless, it is absolutely true.

I am The Official Beast of Bodmin Moor.

I have a contract to that effect and have had this curious job title since late in 2002.

Now, of course, some of you reading this blog and especially those who do not live in the UK may not be familiar with the name 'The Beast of Bodmin Moor', so please let me explain.

Upon the moors of Bodmin Moor in Cornwall some people believe that there lives a panther or family of panthers.

It has been suggested that perhaps a big cat or cats escaped from somewhere or were set lose
by somebody and that it or they have settled upon the moors where they live on rabbits and sheep and have a certain privacy in an area of relative wilderness.

There are many local folk who swear blind that they have spotted the panther wandering around upon the lonely moorland roads or have caught sight of bright, green feline eyes and large, black silhouettes in the headlights of their cars whilst making late night journeys.

Others think that the stories are based purely on legend.

Whatever the truth, I decided a few years ago to apply for the job and sent a rather creative though formally written letter to some businessmen in Cornwall who have a marketing group called 'The Best Of Bodmin Moor'.

As, so I claimed, I had heard little in recent months if not years of The alleged Beast, could I please apply for the job.
Perhaps, I suggested, the original 'Beast' or 'Beasts' had moved away, been shot or simply died of old age.
I would be a fine replacement, I claimed, for, as a runner, I could leap and bound across the moorland fells with a certain energetic mobility and meet the expectations of the local community as well as visitors to the area by offering a glimpse of myself now and again racing across the lanes and jumping over the occasional fence and stone wall and maybe, just maybe, growling a little as I went.

The businessmen loved the idea and I was invited to Bodmin Moor itself to be duly inaugurated as 'The Beast Of Bodmin Moor'.

There was no question about it; I had to go.

In fact, I travelled down the very next week complete with a hired big cat costume and met these kind employers in none other than the bar of The Jamaica Inn.

There I was presented with a contract, a certificate and a plastic container of chocolate mice.

What more could an aspiring legend want ?

The local paper, The Cornish Guardian, sent a journalist and the local TV sent a cameraman and the fact that there does exist a real Beast Of Bodmin Moor is no longer a question of supposition.

I am he or it !

Sad to say, my local fancy dress hire shop didn't have a panther outfit and so I had to wear a tiger outfit instead.
Not the ideal outfit for an exact representation of the legend but close enough and rather fetching dont you think ?!

But there is more to this tale than immediately meets the eye so please do read on !

Let me tell you about some of the many other improbable jobs that I applied for, the impossible items I tried to acquire and the many implausible complaints I have made.

And then there is the book ..........' Letters From A Professional Nuisance' me, Michael A. Lee

[Tony is short for my middle name, Anthony].
Published in May of this year and containing over 300 pages of my letters and many amusing replies, it is destined, I feel, to become a worldwide best seller.
Oh - and it's available on AMAZON.CO.UK as I type.
Please do become a follower of my blog and please tell everyone else about it too !!